Putting in contact lenses for the first time - The complete guide


You may be apprehensive the first time you put lenses on your eyes and it is normal to be a little nervous. Your Art:Optic Pully contact lens specialist will help you and show you how to handle your contact lenses. Once you know how to do it, it will only take you a few seconds. This gesture will easily become part of your daily routine.

Wearing contact lenses gives them a sense of freedom and more confidence every day.

Almost anyone can wear contact lenses. Your contact lens specialist will explain the different types of lenses that are available. He or she will help you choose the one that's right for you. Your contact lenses can correct your vision and bring out the beauty of your eyes, whether you need vision correction or not.

It's normal to be nervous when doing something for the first time. Your contact lens specialist will guide you through the process and you'll soon realize that it's much easier than you thought. This is how you discover the simple steps for handling contact lenses.

Maintenance of your lenses:

Daily disposable contact lenses are simply inserted in the morning and removed at the end of the day before being thrown away. Simple at last! Monthly lenses must be cleaned after wearing. There are two ways to do this: with an easy-to-use multi-purpose solution or with a peroxide solution for sensitive eyes. Want to know more? Read the section on contact lens care and ask your contact lens specialist.

Technology and comfort:

Technology has evolved enormously and contemporary lenses are made of soft materials that respect the anatomy of the eye. A consultation with your contact lens specialist will allow you to touch and try them on. To conclude, more than 100 million people wear contact lenses with satisfaction.